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The Conference proceedings (separate volume for each conference) will be published by the beginning of the meeting and available during the registration.

The manuscripts should be limited to 4 pages for contributed papers (oral or poster) and 6 pages for invited papers.

The manuscript should be prepared in MS Word format in accordance with the instruction given below and sent as an attached file to conference@hcei.tsc.ru. In the accompanying letter, please indicate your Conference Registration Number. The Conference Organizing Committee will acknowledge receiving your manuscript via e-mail within three business days.

The manuscript submission deadline is May 1, 2004.

All participants from Russian organizations must also provide (a) Russian translation of their manuscript and (b) permission for open publication of the paper (in original). These two items must be received by the Organizing Committee no later than June 1, 2004.

Preparation Instructions.

To ensure conformity and uniformity of appearance, it is essential that these instructions are followed.

You may use MS Word template to prepare your manuscript (download paper--template.rtf).

  • The manuscripts must be written in English.
  • The papers should be in a 2-column format (except for title, author list and author's affiliation), and the final publication will be A4 size (210_297 mm). The print area is 160_240 mm. The margins for A4 paper size are 25 mm (top, left, right) and 32 mm (bottom). The columns are 77.5 mm wide with a gap of 5 mm between the columns.
  • The manuscript should be typed single spaced using Times New Roman font.
  • The title is centered, 16 pt, with each initial letter capitalized.
  • The list of authors is centered, 12 pt. The presenting author's name should be underlined.
  • Affiliations (organization name, street address, city, ZIP code, country) are centered, italic,
  • 10 pt. Please include phone and fax number, and the e-mail address for the presenting author.
  • Use one blank line between the title and the authors list, between the author list and the author's affiliation, and two blank lines between the affiliations and the main text.
  • The abstract should be limited to 200 words and should concisely state what was done, how it was done, principal results, and their significance. Use Times New Roman, Bold, 10 pt, single spaced.
  • The main text and references are fully justified (aligned left and right), 10 pt. Do not put a blank between the paragraphs. The first paragraph in the section does not have an indent. The following paragraphs have 5 mm indent.
  • The section headings are left aligned, 10 pt, bold. The sections should be enumerated. Please do not use sub-sections.

  • Do not use colors in the figures. Convert all figures in gray-scale.
  • Preferably, a figure should fit one column width. If a figure is two-column wide, try to place the figure at the top or at the bottom of the page.
  • Number figures in order of their appearance in the text and make sure that every figure is cited. Every figure must have a caption that is complete and intelligible in itself without reference to the text. Each caption should be typed as one paragraph beginning with the figure number in the form:

  • Fig. 1. Use 10-pt size font.

  • Leave one blank line between the figure caption and the following paragraph.

  • The tables should fit one or two column width. In the latter case, try to put the table at the top or at the bottom of the page.
  • Number tables in order of their appearance in the text and make sure that every table is cited. Give every table a caption that is complete and intelligible in itself without reference to the text. Every column in a table should have a heading.

  • Use Microsoft Word equation editor to insert formulas in the text of your manuscript. Center the equations. Number each equation in order on the right hand side of the page in parentheses-for example, (1).

  • A numbered list of references must be provided at the end of the paper. The list should be arranged in the order of citation in the text, not in alphabetical order. List only one reference per reference number. Each reference number should be enclosed by square brackets [1]. Recommended forms of references are as follows.

Books (Authors, Title, Publisher City, Publisher Name, Year, Pages):

[1] A.L.Peratt, Physics of the Plasma Universe, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp.72-74.
[2] N.Leiman, The interaction of radiation with the solid and formation of elementary defects, Moscow, Atomizdat, 1979, pp.52-60.

Journals (Authors, Journal Title, Volume/Number, Page, Year):

[3] D.Mosher, N.Qi, and M.Krishnan, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 26, 1052 (1998).
[4] V.P.Afanasiev, Rus. J. Tech. Physics 62, 72 (1992).

Conference Proceedings, published (Authors, Proceedings Title, Year, Pages):

[5] E.Oks, A.Vizir, G.Yushkov, in Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on High Power Particle Beams, 1998, pp.955-958.

Paper Presented at Conference, unpublished (Authors, Paper Title, Conference Name, Conference City, Conference Country, Year):

[6] A.G.Oreshko, "The generation of fast particles in electrical discharges", presented at 13th Symposium on High Current Electronics, Tomsk Russia, 2004.

Patents (Author, Patent Number, Year):

[7] A.I.Ryabchikov, I.B.Stepanov, Patent RU 2097868 C1, 1998.

he fortress of Tomsk was established in 1604 on the right bank of the Tom River, by a decree of the Russian Tsar Boris Godunov. The new settlement came into existence on the lands of the Tatar prince Toyan, who took Russian citizenship.

n the end of the 19th century Tomsk became the largest scientific and educational center in Siberia: in 1888 the first university east of the Ural mountains was opened, in 1900 - the Technological Institute (presently the Polytechnic University). Attached to the University, medical clinics were organized, as well as the Bacteriological Institute, the only one in Siberia.

fter the revolution of 1917, Tomsk became a part of the Siberian Krai and later of the Western-Siberian Krai. In 1937 Tomsk and its attached territories became a part of the Novosibirsk Oblast.

he administrative and economic position of Tomsk changed during World War II. When the military operations started, 30 plants were evacuated to Tomsk. This laid the basis for the industrial development of the city. During the years of war the industrial production of Tomsk grew by a factor of 3. New industries appeared - electro-engineering, optomechanical, rubber-engineering, and such industries as mechanical engineering, metal processing, light industry and food processing developed greatly.

n August of 1944 according to a government decree, the Tomsk Oblast was created, consisting of 16 districts, and the city of Tomsk again acquired its former status as the oblast center.

oon after World War II, Tomsk became a world reknowned center of nuclear testing and production. In 1953 the isotope separation plant, a part of the Siberian Chemical Plant (SCP) which is situated in the vicinity of Tomsk, put out its first production of enriched uranium. In 1958 the first Siberian nuclear power station was opened at the SCP and a new town was founded, called Seversk, where presently about 120 thousand people live.

n the 20th century Tomsk has broadened its fame as an educational center nicknamed 'Siberian Athens'. In the beginning of the 30's the Medical and Pedagogical Higher Schools were opened, in the 50's and 60's years - the Engineering Construction Institute, the Institute of Radioelectronics and Electronic Engineering, a number of research institutions were opened, and the Academic Town (Akademgorodok) was built. The Tomsk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences is widely known. It includes such research institutions as the Institute of Atmospheric Optics, the Institute of High Current Electronics, the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science, the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, the Institute of Optical Monitoring and other research centers weighty in the world of science.

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